Puja Details 2003

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Puja Details 2003

Jagadhatri Puja, an esteemed festival spanning five vibrant days from Sasthi to Dashami, holds a special place in the hearts of devotees. The pinnacle of this celebration typically unfolds on the seventh day. Much like the grandeur of Kolkata's revered Durga Puja and Barasat's cherished Kali Puja, Chandannagar shines brightly for its elaborate and culturally rich Jagadhatri Puja festivities. The city comes alive with colorful decorations, radiant illuminations, and a spirit of devoutness that unites both locals and visitors, fostering an atmosphere steeped in religious significance and communal harmony.

Number of Total Jubilees: 10

Sl. No.Puja NameUnder P. S.YearsCelebrated
1PalparaChandannagar60Diamond Jubilee
2Gondalpara CharmandirtalaChandannagar60Diamond Jubilee
3GoswamighatChandannagar50Golden Jubilee
4Hatkhola BhubaneshwaritalaChandannagar50Golden Jubilee
5Telinipara Annapurna BarowariBhadreswar50Golden Jubilee
6Telinipara RajabazarBhadreswar50Golden Jubilee
7Kantapukur ChowmathaChandannagar25Silver Jubilee
8DashabhujatalaChandannagar25Silver Jubilee
9Gondalpara Kabadi ClubChandannagar25Silver Jubilee
10SurighatChandannagar25Silver Jubilee

Number of Total Pre Jubilees: 11

Sl. No.Puja NameUnder P. S.YearsCelebrated
1TemathaChandannagar59Pre Diamond Jubilee
2LalbaganChandannagar49Pre Golden Jubilee
3Telinipara KalitalaBhadreswar49Pre Golden Jubilee
4GhorapukurdharChandannagar24Pre Silver Jubilee
5Kundughat DalanChandannagar24Pre Silver Jubilee
6Hatkhola NonatolaChandannagar24Pre Silver Jubilee
7ManiknagarBhadreswar24Pre Silver Jubilee
8Dinemardanga AmtalaChandannagar24Pre Silver Jubilee
9Pradip Sangha Library RoadBhadreswar24Pre Silver Jubilee
10Padripara KalitalaChandannagar24Pre Silver Jubilee
11Balak Sangha, MahadangaChandannagar24Pre Silver Jubilee