Terms & Conditions

Read Our

Terms & Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before applying to become a member of Jagadhatri Online on our Website. You should understand that by applying to become a part of this Community, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. To become a member of Jagadhatri Online Community, follow the instructions below.

We welcome users to register on our digital platforms. All changes will be appended in the terms and conditions pages and communicated to existing users by email.

  1. The total registration procedure is free. On registration, we expect you to provide with an accurate and complete information of the compulsory fields.
  2. We also expect you to keep the secure specifically access password. Each registration is for a single user only.
  3. Unauthorized use of this website may give raise to a claim for damages or criminal offense. Our Service allows you to post, share and otherwise make available certain information, text, graphics, videos, or other material (“Content”).
  4. You are responsible for the material in other places like pages or websites.
  5. You must not allow any third party to access the site using your username and password and make use of the sites on your behalf. If the information given by the member at the time of registration proved incorrect then the authority has full right to take major step against him/her.
  6. All registered members are abide by the Terms and condition and privacy policy. It is the member’s responsibility of protecting the privacy & policy of Jagadhatri Online Community. If any member creating violence inside the group and page, the authority has the ability to take action against the respecting person.
  7. Outside talking or bad languages can not be tolerated inside the group. The group is only created for taking decision and other planning only.
  8. Members who have the permission to post photos videos and others are requested to consult with admin. The use of logo and the copyright is only for this authority and not to be shared with third-party.
  9. The information given by the members at the time of registration are not shared with any other member in this community for the privacy purpose.

Note : The contents of these website has its own copyright under the owner so any kind of reproduction of this contents is strictly prohibited and the developer is not liable for any content of the website. Design, Layout is registered under Skynix Web Studio & any reproduction of this is strictly prohibited.

This content of the pages of this website is for your general information and use only. It is subject to change without notice. The material includes, but is not limited to, the operator, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited other than in accordance with the copyright notice, which forms part of these terms and condition.